Monday, February 20, 2017

Politics and Empathy: Just Stop Being Assholes

Here's the thing. If I were you, had your experiences in life, and walked in your shoes, I would most likely think the way you do and believe in the same things. And likewise if you were me, lived my life, had my experiences, and walked in my shoes you'd probably think the way I do. That's the beauty of the human experience. We are all on a different journey and have very different experiences influencing our views of the world.

I'm sick of it all too. I'm sick of all the anger and hatefulness that both sides are guilty of. I'm sick of people saying that the left is all butt-hurt because Hillary lost. But that's not what this is about people! Ok, Granted, for some people that might be what it's about. But it is so much bigger than that. And if people would try to practice a little bit of empathy for once they might see that there's a bigger picture here. If people would stop slinging around insults and just be understanding and compassionate we would all be better off.

There are extremes on both sides. There are idiots and assholes abound in whatever political group a person might join. But that does not mean we are all that way nor does it mean that we support that sort of behavior. So don't clump us in there.

I personally have a lot of Republican friends and family. I don't always agree with them on politics, but that doesn't mean I'm going to fling mud in their face, spit at their feet, and declare them an enemy. Absolutely not. Why? Well, for one thing, what kind of a shitty ass friend would I be if I considered political beliefs the only important part of a person? No. These are good, hard working, down to earth, loyal to the bone, honest, caring, wonderful people. Politically we don't agree, but we aren't friends because of politics.

If you don't like the way other people express their passions and political beliefs then that's cool. I get it. But you can't expect them to just shut up and bend over because they disagree and it makes you uncomfortable. If the tables were turned, would you still think it's stupid? Maybe. Some people are content just living in ignorance. There is bliss there. I won't argue with that. (and I don't mean ignorance in the way of stupid. I mean it in the way of not caring or paying attention to what is going on in the world.)

Yes, I realize this whole #notmypresident thing is being misunderstood just like the #womensmarch is. It's not about just the fact that he became our president. It's about the fact that a terrible person who exemplifies all the ugly that you might possibly muster in a narcissistic sociopath has become the face of our nation. And a lot of us feel like that is not what our nation represents. A lot of us feel like our nation represents the land of opportunity and the land of the free. A lot of us feel like the person to lead our nation should have class and not be a bully. Many of us want our nation's leader to care about science, truth, justice, democracy, and the conservation of our planet. I get that a lot of other people think we are just whiny babies. And some of us are. But that does not make it okay to be mean to each other. They don't want to respect him as a legitimate president because he does not represent the kind of leaders we are used to. And they all have a right to express that opinion and still be members of this society. As would the opposing views if the tables were turned.

So, I am venting. I realize this. I probably shouldn't, but dammit, I am sick and tired of people being jerks! I am tired of being clumped into this group that is burning flags and dressing up as vaginas to protest. That is not me. My #resist is to be kind. To spread compassion. To put more into this world that it needs rather than all the ugliness that we already have.

Can we all just learn what empathy really is and maybe just try it out? It's hard, I understand that. But that is the right thing to do here. And be kind to each other because the world just doesn't need anymore ugliness.

Ok, I'm done now. I shall leave my soapbox and have a glass of whiskey.

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